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Empowering Young Adults

Empowering Young Adults

Posted On: November 17, 2023
CHR proudly participated in a roundtable discussion organized by LifeSet Youth Villages focusing on the success of a DCF-funded program, Transitional Support for Emerging Adults (TSEA).  This evidence-based model has helped more than 240 young adults since 2019, through programs run by CHR and Wheeler Clinic. Specifically, TSEA helps young adults who have aged out of foster care and are ready to work on the next chapter in their lives, including help with education, job training, housing and more. Special thanks to Senator Matt Lesser, Chair o . . . [More]

Empowering Young Adults

Empowering Young Adults

Posted On: November 17, 2023
CHR proudly participated in a roundtable discussion organized by LifeSet Youth Villages focusing on the success of a DCF-funded program, Transitional Support for Emerging Adults (TSEA).  This evidence-based model has helped more than 240 young adults since 2019, through programs run by CHR and Wheeler Clinic. Specifically, TSEA helps young adults who have aged out of foster care and are ready to work on the next chapter in their lives, including help with education, job training, housing and more. Special thanks to Senator Matt Lesser, Chair o . . . [More]

Someone saw me driving an ATV while i was home

Someone saw me driving an ATV while i was home

Posted On: November 16, 2023
This story happened last autumn, around a year ago.In autumn we will start gathering our reindeer herd. We will then take that herd and move it to a large pasture. The pasture is connected to our fence, where the whole herd will go through.The purpose of this fence is so that we can do a healthcheck, vaccinate them, sell some of them and to take as food for ourselves.After they are done in the fence, they are then released back into their grazing grounds, which is on the tundra.Since we are quite a large group, we decided to make 3 teams.Each d . . . [More]

Someone saw me driving an ATV while i was home

Someone saw me driving an ATV while i was home

Posted On: November 16, 2023
This story happened last autumn, around a year ago.In autumn we will start gathering our reindeer herd. We will then take that herd and move it to a large pasture. The pasture is connected to our fence, where the whole herd will go through.The purpose of this fence is so that we can do a healthcheck, vaccinate them, sell some of them and to take as food for ourselves.After they are done in the fence, they are then released back into their grazing grounds, which is on the tundra.Since we are quite a large group, we decided to make 3 teams.Each d . . . [More]

Press This: A Journey Through Web Accessibility with Amber Hinds

Press This: A Journey Through Web Accessibility with Amber Hinds

Posted On: November 16, 2023
Welcome to Press This, the WordPress community podcast from WMR. Each episode features guests from around the community and discussions of the largest issues facing WordPress developers. The following is a transcription of the original recording. .redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle . . . [More]

Press This: A Journey Through Web Accessibility with Amber Hinds

Press This: A Journey Through Web Accessibility with Amber Hinds

Posted On: November 16, 2023
Welcome to Press This, the WordPress community podcast from WMR. Each episode features guests from around the community and discussions of the largest issues facing WordPress developers. The following is a transcription of the original recording. .redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle . . . [More]

Do Ghosts Exist?

Do Ghosts Exist?

Posted On: November 15, 2023
How I look at it is, if ghosts existed, media would be flooded with convincing videos of sightings.Everyone is carrying a camera in their pocket at all times, people have cameras in and around their homes which notify the owner of any movement or activity of any kind.Businesses have dozens of cameras recording 24 hours a day, many of which notify the business owner or security contractor of any movement as soon as it happens.There are more cameras on this planet than there are people.99.999% of the evidence out there showing ghosts are either . . . [More]

Do Ghosts Exist?

Do Ghosts Exist?

Posted On: November 15, 2023
How I look at it is, if ghosts existed, media would be flooded with convincing videos of sightings.Everyone is carrying a camera in their pocket at all times, people have cameras in and around their homes which notify the owner of any movement or activity of any kind.Businesses have dozens of cameras recording 24 hours a day, many of which notify the business owner or security contractor of any movement as soon as it happens.There are more cameras on this planet than there are people.99.999% of the evidence out there showing ghosts are either . . . [More]

11 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

11 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

Posted On: November 15, 2023
On the Internet, web design tips are a dime a dozen. Many people have opinions on what the perfect website looks like. That’s because, to a certain extent, design is subjective. What one person likes, another might find hideous. At the same time, design is one of the most important factors for the success of a website. In fact, almost half of all users say that the website design is their main factor for judging a company’s credibility. As a consequence, it also influences conversions, bounce rate, and more. Sigh, if only there was a . . . [More]

11 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

11 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

Posted On: November 15, 2023
On the Internet, web design tips are a dime a dozen. Many people have opinions on what the perfect website looks like. That’s because, to a certain extent, design is subjective. What one person likes, another might find hideous. At the same time, design is one of the most important factors for the success of a website. In fact, almost half of all users say that the website design is their main factor for judging a company’s credibility. As a consequence, it also influences conversions, bounce rate, and more. Sigh, if only there was a . . . [More]

UFOs in Orlando

UFOs in Orlando

Posted On: November 14, 2023
This is my first time making this video public. To be honest, I've only showed this to a few people since it happened that night.It was 11/03/2020 and there was also something big happening that day in my country, the presidential election.I was sitting on my back patio looking at my phone when I heard a neighbor yelling that there was “fireballs” in the sky.She was telling whomever she was on the phone with to go outside and look. She sounded pretty sincere (and a little crazy) about it and after listening for a few more moments,I walked o . . . [More]

UFOs in Orlando

UFOs in Orlando

Posted On: November 14, 2023
This is my first time making this video public. To be honest, I've only showed this to a few people since it happened that night.It was 11/03/2020 and there was also something big happening that day in my country, the presidential election.I was sitting on my back patio looking at my phone when I heard a neighbor yelling that there was “fireballs” in the sky.She was telling whomever she was on the phone with to go outside and look. She sounded pretty sincere (and a little crazy) about it and after listening for a few more moments,I walked o . . . [More]

My Mother Was a Paranormal Entity

My Mother Was a Paranormal Entity

Posted On: November 13, 2023
This happened a few nights ago.I am someone who's very prone to getting sick.I'm either always down with a cold or a fever, and they usually cause me immense body pain and keep me up at night.And so, when I woke up at what I assume to be around 2 A-M with a lot of body pain, it wasn't all that unusual.It's important to note that I was super exhausted when I woke up, and my room was extremely dark.I was sitting up in bed, my limbs and chest in constant pain.I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in such discomfort.Just then, my mom entered the . . . [More]

My Mother Was a Paranormal Entity

My Mother Was a Paranormal Entity

Posted On: November 13, 2023
This happened a few nights ago.I am someone who's very prone to getting sick.I'm either always down with a cold or a fever, and they usually cause me immense body pain and keep me up at night.And so, when I woke up at what I assume to be around 2 A-M with a lot of body pain, it wasn't all that unusual.It's important to note that I was super exhausted when I woke up, and my room was extremely dark.I was sitting up in bed, my limbs and chest in constant pain.I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in such discomfort.Just then, my mom entered the . . . [More]

I Like The Tic Tac UFO

I Like The Tic Tac UFO

Posted On: November 12, 2023
The Nimitz Tic Tac case is often referred to as one of the most interesting UAP events. Mostly because of the immense amount of witness testimony, sensor data, and the Pentagon said they don't know what the hell it is.For many reasons, it is known as one of the most well-documented UAP interactions.I believe it is one of the most irrefutable examples of how stigma, obfuscation of the truth, and delusional denial is a SERIOUS safety concern for pilots all over (forget national, this is a global issue).The battle group was seeing these things on . . . [More]

I Like The Tic Tac UFO

I Like The Tic Tac UFO

Posted On: November 12, 2023
The Nimitz Tic Tac case is often referred to as one of the most interesting UAP events. Mostly because of the immense amount of witness testimony, sensor data, and the Pentagon said they don't know what the hell it is.For many reasons, it is known as one of the most well-documented UAP interactions.I believe it is one of the most irrefutable examples of how stigma, obfuscation of the truth, and delusional denial is a SERIOUS safety concern for pilots all over (forget national, this is a global issue).The battle group was seeing these things on . . . [More]

Why Do I Keep Seeing Ghosts?

Why Do I Keep Seeing Ghosts?

Posted On: November 11, 2023
So, basically, I made 2 people cry without trying too?.I'm just your average person trying to enjoy life.I'm at a bar with a group of friends, hanging out enjoying the night at some club.Had to use the bathroom and ran into an old high school buddy.We start talking and for some reason a man was standing behind him.I asked him, “hey is that guy with you?”.The man looks back and then looks at me weird.He says he doesn't see anyone.So I basically describe the man standing behind him, an older Hispanic man with a rosary in his hand.After I fini . . . [More]

Why Do I Keep Seeing Ghosts?

Why Do I Keep Seeing Ghosts?

Posted On: November 11, 2023
So, basically, I made 2 people cry without trying too?.I'm just your average person trying to enjoy life.I'm at a bar with a group of friends, hanging out enjoying the night at some club.Had to use the bathroom and ran into an old high school buddy.We start talking and for some reason a man was standing behind him.I asked him, “hey is that guy with you?”.The man looks back and then looks at me weird.He says he doesn't see anyone.So I basically describe the man standing behind him, an older Hispanic man with a rosary in his hand.After I fini . . . [More]

The Overlooked Ancient Aspect of UFOs

The Overlooked Ancient Aspect of UFOs

Posted On: November 10, 2023
There are videos and scientific measurements of Tibetan monks and Yogis meditating in low temperatures with wet clothes on them. Instead of freezing, they are drying the water.This would cause death in every other person, but they are activating something way more powerful.The science 'doesn't have an answer,' despite the fact that the answer is staring them right in the eyes.There is powerful symbolism in Hinduism and Buddhism, and that is the third eye, which they place on their forehead.This eye is related to extra perception, ESP, insight, . . . [More]

The Overlooked Ancient Aspect of UFOs

The Overlooked Ancient Aspect of UFOs

Posted On: November 10, 2023
There are videos and scientific measurements of Tibetan monks and Yogis meditating in low temperatures with wet clothes on them. Instead of freezing, they are drying the water.This would cause death in every other person, but they are activating something way more powerful.The science 'doesn't have an answer,' despite the fact that the answer is staring them right in the eyes.There is powerful symbolism in Hinduism and Buddhism, and that is the third eye, which they place on their forehead.This eye is related to extra perception, ESP, insight, . . . [More]