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Press This Podcast: New SMB Customer Checklist with Tony Wright
Posted On: January 19, 2021
Welcome to Press This, the WordPress community podcast from WMR. Here host David Vogelpohl sits down with guests from around the community to talk about the biggest issues facing WordPress developers. The following is a transcription of the original recording.
David Vogelpohl: Hello everyone and welcome to Press This the WordPress community podcasts on WMR. This is your host, David Vogel Paul, I support the WordPress community through my role at WP Engine, and I love to bring the best of the community to you hear every week on press this as . . . [
Press This Podcast: New SMB Customer Checklist with Tony Wright
Posted On: January 19, 2021
Welcome to Press This, the WordPress community podcast from WMR. Here host David Vogelpohl sits down with guests from around the community to talk about the biggest issues facing WordPress developers. The following is a transcription of the original recording.
David Vogelpohl: Hello everyone and welcome to Press This the WordPress community podcasts on WMR. This is your host, David Vogel Paul, I support the WordPress community through my role at WP Engine, and I love to bring the best of the community to you hear every week on press this as . . . [
Recurring Revenue & Extending Your Team
Posted On: January 18, 2021
Recurring Revenue is the Name of the Game
If you're running a digital agency, creating recurring revenue is critical. But to do that, you likely have to extend your team. And just the other day, I told you that more resources aren't always the answer. But today I want to suggest an approach that lowers, not increases, the complexity of your business.
I told you more resources don't always help because each additional person you add increases the complexity of managing a larger team, and the complexity of the communication between them.
But if y . . . [
Recurring Revenue & Extending Your Team
Posted On: January 18, 2021
Recurring Revenue is the Name of the Game
If you're running a digital agency, creating recurring revenue is critical. But to do that, you likely have to extend your team. And just the other day, I told you that more resources aren't always the answer. But today I want to suggest an approach that lowers, not increases, the complexity of your business.
I told you more resources don't always help because each additional person you add increases the complexity of managing a larger team, and the complexity of the communication between them.
But if y . . . [
Endangering Ecosystem Flexibility
Posted On: January 16, 2021
What made WordPress incredible (and helped it grow)
If you were around in the old days, like 2005, there were a lot of different blogging platforms. You could find them using a variety of different programming languages (in case you wanted to make modifications), but each one came with some core features that made it easy to create blogs (and later websites).
I remember my brother and I comparing notes. He was looking at Community Server (later Telligent Community) and he even went to work for them. I had been using a different .NET product, ca . . . [
Endangering Ecosystem Flexibility
Posted On: January 16, 2021
What made WordPress incredible (and helped it grow)
If you were around in the old days, like 2005, there were a lot of different blogging platforms. You could find them using a variety of different programming languages (in case you wanted to make modifications), but each one came with some core features that made it easy to create blogs (and later websites).
I remember my brother and I comparing notes. He was looking at Community Server (later Telligent Community) and he even went to work for them. I had been using a different .NET product, ca . . . [
More Resources Won’t Help
Posted On: January 15, 2021
I remember reading a story, when I was first managing people, about Bill Gates and his approach to resources at Microsoft. According to the story, he regularly rejected requests to add resources to the development teams.
When I first heard it, I was managing a team of three software developers. I thought his rejection was a bit foolish and could see all sorts of reasons why teams needed to grow. I was also twenty five.
I wondered if the real reason he rejected staff increases was that he only wanted the smartest people at Microsoft. This was in . . . [
More Resources Won’t Help
Posted On: January 15, 2021
I remember reading a story, when I was first managing people, about Bill Gates and his approach to resources at Microsoft. According to the story, he regularly rejected requests to add resources to the development teams.
When I first heard it, I was managing a team of three software developers. I thought his rejection was a bit foolish and could see all sorts of reasons why teams needed to grow. I was also twenty five.
I wondered if the real reason he rejected staff increases was that he only wanted the smartest people at Microsoft. This was in . . . [
How Often Should I Change My AC Filters?
Posted On: January 15, 2021
Learning when to change your AC filters is an important factor that all homeowners need to keep in mind. Typically, it depends on a variety of factors, including pets in the home, your indoor air quality, the type of filter, the level of construction, and air pollution.HVAC professionals recommend that you change your AC filters every 30-60 days on average. But, depending on your home, an annual air filter change may be fine.If your home does not contain pets, a good average for changing your air filters is every 60 days. However, an average su . . . [
How Often Should I Change My AC Filters?
Posted On: January 15, 2021
Learning when to change your AC filters is an important factor that all homeowners need to keep in mind. Typically, it depends on a variety of factors, including pets in the home, your indoor air quality, the type of filter, the level of construction, and air pollution.HVAC professionals recommend that you change your AC filters every 30-60 days on average. But, depending on your home, an annual air filter change may be fine.If your home does not contain pets, a good average for changing your air filters is every 60 days. However, an average su . . . [
How to Scale Your Business Using Virtual Assistants (VAs)
Posted On: January 15, 2021
If you’ve run an agency for more than a few minutes, you know all too well the struggles of trying to grow.
Most of us started as solopreneurs. After all, without the clients and cash flow to support employees, we can’t hire them in the first place. Some settled in once they hit a particular revenue goal. And others worked like maniacs until they could afford to outsource or hire additional help.
The latter is a critical step in real growth because, let’s face it—there are only so many hours in a day, which means your income and . . . [
How to Scale Your Business Using Virtual Assistants (VAs)
Posted On: January 15, 2021
If you’ve run an agency for more than a few minutes, you know all too well the struggles of trying to grow.
Most of us started as solopreneurs. After all, without the clients and cash flow to support employees, we can’t hire them in the first place. Some settled in once they hit a particular revenue goal. And others worked like maniacs until they could afford to outsource or hire additional help.
The latter is a critical step in real growth because, let’s face it—there are only so many hours in a day, which means your income and . . . [
When the reciprocity principle goes wrong
Posted On: January 15, 2021
What is the reciprocity principle?
If you've never heard of the reciprocity principle, you've surely experienced it. If I say to you, “thank you,” what are you going to say back? If I pay you a compliment, like, “I love your outfit,” you'll likely figure out some way to return a compliment. In defining reciprocity, the folks at verywellmind explain it well.
Reciprocity is a process of exchanging things with other people in order to gain a mutual benefit. The norm of reciprocity, sometimes referred to as the rule of reciprocity, is a soc . . . [
When the reciprocity principle goes wrong
Posted On: January 15, 2021
What is the reciprocity principle?
If you've never heard of the reciprocity principle, you've surely experienced it. If I say to you, “thank you,” what are you going to say back? If I pay you a compliment, like, “I love your outfit,” you'll likely figure out some way to return a compliment. In defining reciprocity, the folks at verywellmind explain it well.
Reciprocity is a process of exchanging things with other people in order to gain a mutual benefit. The norm of reciprocity, sometimes referred to as the rule of reciprocity, is a soc . . . [
Premiere Pro Basics Course (Episode 5) – Test Your Knowledge!
Posted On: January 15, 2021
Premiere Pro Basics Course (Episode 5) � Test Your Knowledge
Learn the Basics of Video Editing in this Beginner’s Premiere Pro Course!
Download Tutorial Assets: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16Q-OPcLcQsL6rXEni5wDbw6qwdKKd8ut?usp=sharing
**For this tutorial, download the folder labeled “Video 6 (Episode 5)”**
Premiere Pro Tutoring Sessions: https://youwantpizzazz.com/premiere-pro-virtual-tutoring/
The post Premiere Pro Basics Course (Episode 5) � Test Your Knowledge! appeared first on You Want Pizzazz. . . . [
Premiere Pro Basics Course (Episode 5) – Test Your Knowledge!
Posted On: January 15, 2021
Premiere Pro Basics Course (Episode 5) � Test Your Knowledge
Learn the Basics of Video Editing in this Beginner’s Premiere Pro Course!
Download Tutorial Assets: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16Q-OPcLcQsL6rXEni5wDbw6qwdKKd8ut?usp=sharing
**For this tutorial, download the folder labeled “Video 6 (Episode 5)”**
Premiere Pro Tutoring Sessions: https://youwantpizzazz.com/premiere-pro-virtual-tutoring/
The post Premiere Pro Basics Course (Episode 5) � Test Your Knowledge! appeared first on You Want Pizzazz. . . . [